§ 11-42. Same—Amounts; review, notice.  

Latest version.
  • Charges and fees shall be as follows:


    Fee for permit applications ..... $ 50.00


    In accordance with the provisions of sections 35.929-1(a) and 35.929-2 of the Code of Federal Regulations does hereby adopt a sewer user charge rate structure which shall be of such amount as is necessary to cover all immediately anticipated operations and maintenance charges, simple replacement costs, and normal debt service on any funds borrowed to finance the improvements; and provision shall also be made for the biennial review of the wastewater contribution of users and user classes, the review of the total costs of operation and maintenance of the treatment works, and its approved user charge system; and provision shall be made for notification to each user at least annually, of the rate and that portion of the user charges which are attributable to wastewater treatment services.

(Ord. No. 83-2, § 3.3, 7-1-83; Ord. No. 84-5, 8-21-84)